Jollybugs currently serves Gentry, AR and it's surrounding communities. Events within a distance of up to 30 miles will be considered.
Face Paint Type/ Removal
We use a variety of FDA approved professional products such as Snazaroo, Blue Squid, Bobsuka, Leobra (Body Glitter), and Ucanbe (eyeshadow).
Paints can be removed with water & mild soap or facewipes.
Time for Event
For special events we require a minimum of 1 hour booking. We can accommodate larger crowds but will offer less complex paintings and simple balloons. We will make a recommendation based on the size of your event.
Terms & Conditions
- We use high quality paints that are sanitized after each event. We have the right to refuse anyone who is sick or has symptoms of any infectious skin condition.
- We are not liable for any allergic reactions that might occur. It is the parent's responsibility to be aware of any allergies/ sensitivities a child might have.
- For any infants, we have the right to refuse a "face painting" for safety reasons and can offer a hand or arm painting instead.
- We have the right to paint only offered designs and may deny to paint any material which may be considered offensive or inappropriate- determined solely by the artist.
- If work conditions are unsafe, unsuitable, or any destructive or illegal activity is present, services will cease with no refund.
- We are a registered LLC with the state of Arkansas.
- It is the clients responsibility to provide a suitable location for services to be provided (a table must be provided for painting services).